Fifty Women for SCCSS - An initiative of: Sunshine Coast Community Services Society

Tracy Uchida

Residential Realtor/Marriage Commissioner/Mom

Tracy, along with her husband Neal and their 2 boys moved to the Sunshine Coast 8 years ago from East Vancouver. The newfound pace of life and the richness of community has been a gift they didn’t realize they needed.

Tracy has been a Realtor for 15 years. Working with and helping families is the heart of her business and where she thrives. Her success comes down to trust, communication and building relationships. Tracy is a Medallion Award recipient, which is the Real Estate Industry’s fancy way of recognizing achievement.

In 2022 Tracy took on the role of Marriage Commissioner through Vital Statistic BC. “The honour of officiating marriages has been a joy. I smile on way to the location and smile even bigger on my way home.

As a Woman, Mother and community member, I recognize the essential need for safe spaces and support for Women and Children. I look forward to bringing attention to this cause.

And yes, this is a car selfie! When Tracy was asked to participate in this project, she didn’t want to waste a moment organizing a current headshot. “I took this car selfie while waiting for my youngest at the bus stop. Which is very much reflective of my life these days. Let’s do this!”

“Sisterhood is a powerful thing. Together, we have the power to lift each other up in trying times. I look forward to shining light on the dire need for affordable housing on the Sunshine Coast for Women and their families facing violence or homelessness. I'm honoured to be a part of this project and Sisterhood.”
Tracy Uchida
Support Tracy Uchida & the 50 Women for SCCSS Campaign