
Rachel Manley

Realtor, Manley, York & Associates

Rachel staunchly believes that safe and secure housing should be considered a fundamental human entitlement. That’s why she’s backing SCCSS’s affordable housing initiative. She’s keen on ensuring affordable housing options are accessible, particularly for struggling families, especially single parents and their children, who often find themselves priced out of the market. For Rachel, this project is a personal mission, a call to action to advocate and fundraise for a cause she deeply cares about. It’s her way of contributing and acknowledging SCCSS’s longstanding commitment to assisting those in need. Rachel is resolutely confident that this endeavour can succeed.

“Behind every successful woman is a tribe of other women who have her back. Together, let's be that tribe. Let's invest in women and their children, because when we lift each other up, we all rise.”
Rachel Manley
Support Rachel Manley & the 50 Women for SCCSS Campaign